Crown Point Block 5 Card 1
CROWN POINT BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif CROWN POINT BLOCK /15 oO fi,~(l S Lot 112- AGREEMENT #1389 to Guillermo E. and Flavin E. Garcia to maintain darkroom w/kitchen sink in exist detach gar at 3621 Bayonne Dr R-1-5 6/18/65----------------------- Lot 119- Permit to Chqrles C & Beverlee M. Richardson, Jr. hi retain wall with 3' open fence on top of retain wall obs where max 3' hi retain wall is perm in req 10' St sideyd at Dr & La Mancha Dr Zone R-1-5 C-10945 N.H. to constr approx. 39' of 4' O' St sideyd on Moorland Dr. 3663 Bayonne St, betw Moorland 12-7-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 119- Charles C. & Beverlee M. Richardson to construct 38' x 43' 2nd story & 24' x 26 1 garage addn to exist nonconform sing fam dwel (dwel persently obs S' street side yd); addn to obs at closest point. 5; street side yr where 10' is req on Moorland Dr; at 3663 Bayonne Drive, Zone R-1-5, C-13837 9-13-76---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 108- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DALE & MAVIS CRAVATH to construct a 9'-6" x 13 1-6" addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 6' street side yard where 10' is requried, at 3604 Promontory Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17074 1-9-81------------------------------------------------------------------------------------