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Development Services

Crown Point Block 5

CROWN POINT BLOCK 5.tif CRCMN POINT oc(;,q 1 CARD #5 Portion of Lot 448- ZA considered request of JACKIE TRE'STRAIL to construct (1) 83 feet of maximum 9'-0" high canbination retaining wall and solid fence within the required rear yard where 9'-0" high is pennitted provided the top 3'-0" is 50% open; and (2) exterior staircase with a maximum height of 9'-6" (including railing) observing a 6 1-6 11 rear yard where 18'-0" is required for a three-story building at 3708-10 Riviera Drive, zone R-1500; and has DENIED as requested item #2 but APPROVED ITEM #1 subject to conditions. C-20465 08/23/90 Lot 301- Agreement with DAVID J. and HELEN P. CORLEY and RICHARD WELSH to maintain 1/2 bath (toilet and sink) in storage room connected to existing garage with open interior access from garage and direct exterior access to storage room, located at 3541 Jewell Street. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4969 Lot 165- Permission is granted to Ralph Nieto, Owner/Permittee to demolish and remodel an existing single-family home located at 3559 Riviera Drive, R-1-5000 zone. CDP 91-0537 12/18/91. 4/16/91 Lot 377 of Block 18- Coastal Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to DOUGLAN GRINNELL, located at 3461 Bayonne Dr., in the Rl-5000 zone. CDP 90-0356 9/28/90