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Crown Point Block 20 Card 2

CROWN POINT BLOCK 20 CARD 2.tif CROWN POINT BLOCK 20 r)O /~91:) 7 ~ <.- I'- 'f~CAJID j2 '- Lot 418- Permit DENIED to Alexander Streptto erect 1811 lattice work on...xst 6 1 concrete blcck wall, rear & side, 3451 Riviera Dr. Res. No 4234 10-19-49 Lot 409- Permit DENIED to Willmetta G. Donald A. and Doris P. Cassidy to erect 20 1 x 30 1 garage, laun:iry and store room on exist. slab, 5 1 rear yard, 3404 Buena Vista. Res 5091 9-20-50 Lot 402- Permit to Leo A. Gurnoe to 0J.ter gaiiage & conv a por to family rm with bath, & add patio to garage, the exist bldg having 2 1 side yd & 6 1 rear yd, addn to also observe 6 1 rear yd,,,t 3446 Buena vista,;,...l, condl (a.gree.) Case ffl049 3-18-57--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 419- Permit to ';Jm. J. & Ruth Elks to construct guest house, without kitchen over exist. garage which observes 5-ft. rear yd, second stroy to obsetve 10-ft rear yard, at 3457 Riviera lir. cond'l Gase 1.:291 7-1-57 Lot 418- Permit to Alexander Strep to const 2.0 1x2.8 1 gar, 1 dry rm & children's playrm, 1 1 sicieyd- 6, rearyd, 3451 Riviera Dr. rrov the gar Jia not less than 60 1 from front Drop line. Res l\o. 2372 7-16-47 Lot 409- Permit DENIED to Vernon J. & Rose Marie Roberts to const a fam rm, two bedrooms & two bathrooms addn ove1' exist sing fam.ees & gar with g 3T obs 6 1 rearyd, addn also to obs 6 1 re-,.r yd where 20 1 rearyd is re1, at 3404 Buena Vista St. at the t-.w cor of its intersection with Edge G.liff Dr.,,;.one Ril-5. Case No. 8030 3-2-67