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Crown Point Block 15 Card 1

CROWN POINT BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif v:- CROWN POINT BLOCK 15 coi51/I--~9-~ CARD #l 9' Lot 322- Permit to H. O. Lovell, M.D. to constr woven wire fence on top exist masonry wall w/total ht varying from 6 1 to 7'; 3444 Crown Point Dr. Res. 2852 2-11-48 Lot 333 & Sly Lot 334- Req of Marvin R. & Anne Novak to constr addn to exist single fam res; exist garage obs O' side yd, located 60' back from st. TABLED. Case No. 4626 10-10-62 Lot 326- Permit to Wesley A. or Elizabeth M. Hatter to maintain attach patio obs 17 1 911 rear yd & 2411 distance from eaves to side P.L., where 20' rear yd & 45" dis- tance from eaves to P.L. req; 3422 Crown Pt Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 5432 1-25-63 Lot 325- Z.A. considered application of Howard R. & Agnes MacDonald to constr bedrm & bath addn to exist single fam res, result in lot coverage of 49.5% where exist coverage is 45% & 40% is perm; 3428 Crown Pt Dr, Zone R-1-5; DENIED req 49.5% coverage but APPROVED 44% coverage; Condi. Case No. 7449 12-10-65 Lot 330- AGREEMENT to SHARON AND TIMOTHY LOWEREY to construct second story bedroom and bath addition with bar sink, located at 3403 Jewell Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2958 7-26-83