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Crown Point Block 14 Card 1

CROWN POINT BLOCK 14 CARD 1.tif CROWN POINT BLCCK 14 (!O I~ f"'/, I S 7 Z C;,- Ii, P <"'~ Lot 315- Permit to!James & Ula Riley to erect res on Crown Pt. Dr. betwn La Cima s;, & La Mancha Dr. with 12 1 rearyd Res Ko 1011 7-6-45--------------------------------------------------------------------,----------------- Lot 304- Permit to Martin K. ~ JUlia B. Pressler to constrcut attach. gar 15 1 from front prop. line obs 4 1 sideyd (5 1 req) max 1 1 eave overhang (l'-3" perm) 3521 Jewell St. R-1 zone. Case 3344 5-17-60 Lot 317- AGREEMENT to ROBERT AND PHYLLIS MARIE ODELL to construct a two-story house with a bar sink on the second floor, located at 3560 Crown Point Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2968 8-23-83 Lot 308- AGREEMENT- CHESTER & MARY MASON to construct second story addition to existing single-family dwelling. Addition will include family room with wet bar, bathroom & open deck. 3502 Crown Point Drive, Zone R-1-5. Map No. 1891.Agreement No. 3146 8/28/84:Wt 313- Agree that ALBER!' E & OPAL L. ZIEra.ER rem:xlel & construct a 2nd-stry to consist of bedroan, bath, family rcx:m, & bar sink w/interior access to entryway on ground floor at 3536 crown Point Dr. Zone Rl-5000. AGREE A-3656 3-10-87 See Card #2