Crown Point Block 13 Card 1
CROWN POINT BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif CRCMIT POINT BLOCK l3 ()0/ ~(fl:'.'J Z 2 l,,:, '- 9'~.-CARD ~ Lot 287- Permit to H. Howard & Virginia T. Cannon to erect bdrm & bath over exist gar with 10 1 re&ryd, 3536 Jewel St. rtes No. 5849 9-5-51--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por 292 & all Lot 293, Permit to Justin c. & Patricia Maccarthy to const one bedrocw & bath above garage on parcel split prior to 12-5-54 at 3574 Jewell St. R-1 zone. Ca.&e 2766 8-28-59 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Lot 286- Permit DENIED to J. W & M.D. McHolland to constr 18 1 x 20' guest rm addn on top of exist gar which obs 1 1-6 11 rear yd and 1 1611 interior side yd; addn to obs 5' rear yd where 20' is req, at 3528 Jewell St betw La Cima and La Manda Drives, Zone R-1-5 Case No. 10279 1-28-71 Lot 282- Permit DENIED to David L. & Margie L. Carroll to constr a 12 1-6 11 x 11'-5" fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs at closest point an 8 1 street side yard on La Cima Dr where 10' is req at 3500 Jewell St., NW cor of Jewell St and La Cima Dr. Zone R-1-5. c-11716 12-13.72 Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED and the decision of the Assist z.A. be and hereby is overruled, and the appellant's appeal is sustained. c-11716 2-23-73 Lot 282- Permit to James & Sue Johnson to constr 12' x 13' fam room ext to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 8 1-6 11 street side yard where 10' is req, at 3500 Jewell St., NW cor at ~c~~~t~ 7-r: Cima Dr. Zone R-1-4. C-12937 N.H. 12-5-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------