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Development Services

Crown Point Block 11 Card 1

CROWN POINT BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif -, /'_- I (c 00 CROWN POINT 5 7 c ~ BLOCKY ll-~/ Lot 238- Permit to General Petroleum Corp. to const new bldg for serv sta, with light post2 & maintain exist sign posts with new sign in SB area, at 3505 Promontory, R-C cond'l Case Ea. 5JO 6-18-56------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 238- Permit to Gen. Pet. Corp. to const new bldg 10 1 from fr prop line on Promontory St (15 1 req) & & light polea in SB area, at 3505 Promontory, cond'l Case No. 531 6-i8-56 j Lot 238- j Lot 238- Permit to allow service station to John,;. Austin Co. Res No 53025 Permit to John W. Austin Co to allow service station to Res No 54220 2-10-30 proP-line 7-7-'YJ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 234- Permit to Henry F. and Charlene M. Bugenhagen to erect 5 ft. hi wall on top of 2 ft. ~gh retaining wall along rear prop line, result in 7' hi fence & wall within the req rear yd, where max 61 hi wall.. is perm; at 3541 Promontory St betw La Cima Dr & La Mancha Dr. Zone ii-1-5. (N.H.) Case No. 8517 3-12-68 Lot 236- Pl!Ml!lt to Robert S Betty Franklln at 3520 Ingraham St.,.Zone R-1-5, to construct guest house on lot with exist SFD (guest house addn to result In 44% lot coverage). Condit. c-16121 8/6/79