Crittendens Addn. Map 303
CRITTENDENS ADDN. MAP 303.tif CRITTENDEN's ADDITION, MAP NO. 303 s 2. 10-17 2- I./'? Lots 47,48,49,50- ZA APPROVED request of DAVIS C. & GWEN B. LECKRON to remove an existing storage shed and carport & (1) to construct a detached 733 sq. ft. guest quarter and storage area on the secodn floor, permitted by CUP only; (2) a 832 sq. ft. garage on the first floor. The two-story detached structure shall observe a 0 1 fear yard where a 4' rear yard is reqd. at 3526 7th Ave., Zone Rl-8000 with conds. C-19356 10/24/87