Crittendens Addn. Block 7
CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 7.tif.... '\,' C!UTTENDEN 'S ADDITION BJ.OCK 7 Lots 22-24 Permit to Charlotte Eigenm.ann to alter exist. garage at 711 Wly 40 ft.) Robinson Ave. into sleeping room & bath, with 3 ft. sideyard & of Ely 8o ft.) 6 ft. rear yard. Res. No. 738 10/13/44 Lots 35 and 36- Permit to Mrs. Ray Schultz to const. an addition to and alter an existing building to the third living unit, one unit to be served by 8 ft. 4 in. access court, 3754- 8th Ave. Res. 3654 1/12/49 Lots 22, 23, & 24, Permit to Laura I. O'Dea to use W 60 1 of lots for com'l parking lot at 701 Robinson Ave, R-C Zone, for 2 yrs to expire 7-1-62, cond'l. Ext. to 7-1-66 Case 3430 7-1-60 W 60' Lots 22, 23, & 24- Ext two (2) yrs to ABOVE case No. 3430 to exp 7-1-66. EX~_ TO" E~.:-~=~=i'{~,.9-:?~~7qJ____ (