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Crittendens Addn. Block 6 Card 1

CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif C1U:TTENDEN 1s ADI> BLOCK~.. (SEE- TRACT 1~75 Blo~k ~) ~'3~:? $,~ Block 6, Lots 33-34, Add a Porch to Res, within l9' of P.L . on 8th st. Granted to W.S. Fisher. Res. 50472 ' 6 17 2 Perm gran e o enn e urne, m, warehouse on Lots 10-11, Tract 1375, a resub of Lots 9-18, Blk. 6, Crittenden's Add. provided all loading entrances to bldg. are from alley, & loading is conducted witnin bldg. Variance to ~ti Ord. 12988, by ires 74065, granted May 6, 1941 Permit to Jennie Burnett for furniture storage warehouse with 0' sideyard on N. side, 10' rear ard lot covera e 9 0' SB from 7tb. Ave. Granted b Res. No. 74066 Ma 6 1941 Blk Lots 10-12 Tract 1375. Sec a of Ord 2 suspended to allow a fire escape on building on 7th Ave S of Univ to tne side lot line. Granted to Jennie Burnett. Res. 74526 July 1, 1941. Lots 19 abd 20 and N 10' of 21- Max Rabinowitz granted permit to canst. drive-in market to prop. line on 8th Street, subject to 14 ft.setback for future widending of University Ave. Res. 53515 4 14 30 Lots 19 to 2, Permit to Collins Motor Co. to move steel bldg, from University Ave. 745 Universit Ave. HM Res 837 8-1-50 Lots 7 a- Permit to Burnett Furn Co. to bld and aper 3-story furn warehs'e grd. flr all arkin & lot 225 to 300' S of University E side of 7tn-Res 5294 Lots 7 &- Permit to Burnett Furniture Co. to bld & oper 3 story furn. warehouse & park lot, 225' S of Univ. Ave. E side 7tb. Res. No. 7075 1-7-53 Lots 7 & 8- 6 mo. ext to Burnett Furniture Co. Res 7075 ABOVE, E side 7tb. Res. No. 7500 6-10-53