Crittenden Addn. Block 3 Card 1
CRITTENDEN ADDN. BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif CRlTTENDEN ADD. Block 3, Lots 25-26, E 100'. P.L.-O~-Fannsylvania St. BLOCK3 DaJ3t> 3 S-Zft;-/)2.f--~ Erect Apt house setback 8 1 on 7th st, and out to the (Granted)- Res. 50382 6/10/29 - Lots 31 and N 20 ft. Lot 32, City of S.D. permit to move frame cottage from 616 Pennsylvania to 3668- 7th Ave. HM Res. 1203 10-4-51 Nly 5' Lot 8 & all 9- Permit to Elmer C. & Aletta M. Hill to remodel upper floor to duplex, total 3 units, one having 3' access. 3635 6th Ave. (cond'l) Res. No. 6408 4-23-52 Nly 5' L. 8 ~ all 9- Elmer C. & Aletta M. Hill (ABOVE) Z.C. dee. OVERRULED cc 106718 5-8-52 Nly 5' Lot 8 & all 9- Elmer C Hill to tear down wooden porch & utility rm on rear of bldg & replace with stucco to confrom with bldg, addn 4' wider & 5' longer, amending CC Res. /067j8 ABOVE CC 107063 6-10-52 Lots 38-48- and Lots 1-10, Blk 8- Permit to Sixth Avenue Investment and Development Co. to develop subject property located on both sides of Seventh Avenue betw Brookes Ave and Pennsylvania Ave.and portion of proposed Seventh Avenue. Zone R-4, LC Overlay zone. LC-3 2-1-72 E 100' Lots 27 & 28- Permit to All Saints Episcopal Church to use prop for parking Jot to serve church facing on Sixth Ave., 3686 7th Ave betw Pennsylvania Ave & Cul-de-Sac, Zone R-4, w/conditions. c-12956 1-14-75