Crescent Knoll Card 1
CRESCENT KNOLL CARD 1.tif Ch.E.:oCENT KNOLL CARD #1 Lot A- Granted To Otto Jaeger, residence, JB 8 1 on r;arnson fl. 52956 2-3-30 Lot J-Granted to Iv;arie Patterson to erect res, & garage, SB 4 1 Barnson Pl. 58811 8-15-32 Lot F Granted To Frank J. & Anna H. ilenton, garage, SB 2' from r.L. on Brant St..:._ ',l Lot G- Granted to Ers. J.h. Jackman to erect a wall & pergola 1'5" fr p.l. 01498 3-26-34 Lot I-Permit DZNIED to B.. W.S. Davison to maintain two accessory bldgs at 2725 Barnson Fl. as living .uarters for ti;e duration. 609 1-4-45 The above ap ealed to the City Council & they su.tair,ed ths action cf trie 2.onir,g vo..;,ittee by 80494, ciated 1- 3-45 Lot I- Permit to John;,., & rl.osa 1 brownell to ccn;;t addn obs 4' SB on Barnson Pl. (8 1 8 11 SB req) curves of Barnson PL. 3.-1': b' acidn to frt of exist attach gar; st. makes gar SB J' on o side,,:,, 725 C-4455 10-13-61 Lot F- Courtland 1:. & Lorraine.i?. Lowerisoh to reniove kitchen facilitie:;; in second Iloor rm & convert sai