Country Club Terrace #2
COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE #2.tif COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE If? 0.. Lot 24- to Willis & Jeanne Robinson to constr bedroom addn to rear of exist sin fam res; addn will obs 16.94 rearyard where 20' is req at 2956 Wing St betw Kingsley and Shadow lawn Streets Zone R-1. Cond '1. C-5777 6-13-63-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 38 and Lot 1, Point Loma Medical Tract, Lots 1-5, Fordham Square, Lots 8-11, 17, & por of Lot 12, Point Loma Park,:;. Permit to s.D. Medical Associate Properties, Inc. Owner and Doctors Hospital of S.D.,Inc. to constr, operate & maintain a hospital on the South side of Kenyon St betw Kemper and Wins Streets. Zones R-1-5, R-4, co. 345-PC 8-31-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IDt 38- PLANNING CCJvMISSION GRANI'ED a Conditional Use Pennit (arrendrrent to CUP 85-0389) to SAN DIECD HOSPITAL A5SOCIATION, CWNER, & SHARP CABRILLO HOSPITAL, PER-1ITI'EE, to operate and maintain the existing hospital with the installation of three new nodular buildings and construction of two one-story building additions located on the south side of Kenyon Street and the tenninus of Kenyon Court and Wing Street, Map3696, Rl-5000, R-400, CO Zone. CUP #88-0252 5-26-88