Country Casual Homes # 2 Card 5
COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES # 2 CARD 5.tif COUNTRY CASUAL HOMES UNIT #2 Lots 232, 234, 237, 238, 241 & 242- Permit to Sam C. Harris & Associates to complete const of sing fam res on each of Lots 232, 241 & 242 and use same together with existsing fam res on each of Lots 234, 237 & 238 for model homes with one unlighted post mounted 18 x 1811 model identifying sign on each lot; use gar on Lot 237 for tract sales office with one unligit.. ed, double faced 4 1 x 8 1 directional sign thereon; all to advertise homes for sale in Grand View Terrace, a new subd, and all to be maintained for a period not to exceed one year, where sing fam res on lot of record and maximum 8 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale or lease is perm, on Lake Athabaska Place, Sly of Lake Athabaska Way, R-J., Zone, condl. l yr. ext. to exp 3/1/66 (2/19/65) Case No. 6313 2-28-64 V------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 189- Permit to Sam C. Harris & Associates to const sing!am dwell with fireplace obs l3 1 SB from Nly property line on Lake Ashmere Court where 15 1 is req, at 6520 Lake Ashmere Court, 125 1 N of Lake Ashmere Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6466 5-8-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 156- Z.A. considered the AMENDED request of M. W. & Ruth V. Coggburn to construct dining-rm addn to sing fam dwell & attached patio that obs 6 1 rear yd & covers 51% of the lot addn to obs 8 1 re9r yd where 20 1 rear yd & max. 1+0% coverage 1s perm at 6365 Lake Apopka Pl, betw Lake Mere Ct. & Lake Angela Dr., Zone R-1-, and has APPROVED the request. C-9126 2-2,-69