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Development Services

Cosgrove Terrace

COSGROVE TERRACE.tif s Lot 6- Permit to L.A. Bots to maintain exist covered patio with 01 aideyd, at 4727 6otbst. Lot 21- Permit to Richard&, Pauline Houseman to 25' of 15' hi 4852 60th St, 6 mo ext Res. 5781 8-22-51 erect retain&, free Rea, 6811 Rea. 7278 wl 40' of 14' 9-17-52 3-18-53 hi & Lot 29- Permit to Sebastiano Vitale to const retain walls 8' to 32 1 hi with free-standing walls on top approx 41 high & 516n hi; 48o4 60th St. Rea. 7768 9-30-53 Lot 18- Williaa D. & Mary E. Johnston to conat guest cottage & rumpus room &ddn with bath & bar sink, 4839 60th St. Agreement 1111 Lot #6, AGREEME!NLto add two story, two bedroom and bath to existing one family dwelling, JOSEPH BREDESTIGE, 4727 60th St. R-1-5 Lot 27- AGREEMENT with Donald & Margaret Dempsey to construct a mas er e ro~m an addition to an existing one-story,single family dwelling; master bedroom addition has exterior access and interior access is via an existing dining room. Located at 4816 60th Street. Zoned Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #A-5492