Cosgrove Mesa Card 2
COSGROVE MESA CARD 2.tif D62-,-,o~ S Lot 18- DENIED permiasion to Bryan S. Brown to const res with 10 1 SB at Zone R-l Res. 5095 COUJJCIL RES 100189 overrules z.c. dee., permission granted ll-14-50, J........,) <' CARD/tJ. (S-_ 5206 Tipton St. ll-l-50 Lot ll-: Permit tow. A.G. B, Heitzman to const 51 fence on concrete retain wall on wly end of lot, facing Brockbank Pl, with no SB, 5138 Tipton D Res. 5969 10-31-51 Lot 62- Permit to R,E. & Mary Culver to maintain exist carport with 2' sideyd, 5150 Ewing, Res. 7362 4-29-53 Lot ll- Permit to Frank R. Blake to conat gar oba 31 side yd (5 1 req) & 2f1 to 6 1 SB f'rom Brocltbamt Pl. (15' req) at 5138 Tipton St., R-1 C-1321-22 7-26-57 Lot l2- Permit to Grover & Laverne M;yera to coll8t 23' x 25 1 detach gar fronting on Brockbank Pl. 41 to 51 SB (15' SB or aver req} & build 6 1 high fence with 51 to 6 1 SB 5144 Tipton St., R R-1 Zo11e; gar to match res. architecturally C-292J. ll-e-59 Lot 85- App TABLED by Nathan C, & llartha A. CJ.ary to conat det gar with bedrm & bath in rear of exist sin fam res with 141 betw bldg; gar bedrm & bath to obs 161 rear yd where 20' ia req 1_':.,;__ C-6010 PQXlli 9-23-63 Lot 13- Permit to B. & Jo Jean Kemme to erect 3 hi retain wall with 5' redwood fence on top re in 8 hi f'ence, fence to encro 9' into eat 10 1 SB, at 5150 Tipton Zone R-J.-5 C-7902 N.H. 9-23-66