Convoy Subdivision
CONVOY SUBDIVISION.tif CONVOY SUBDIVISION Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Dixie M. Cristman, Owner, & Billy H. Melton & David H. Vance, Lessees, to erect 1 approx 125 sq ft, dble-faced, interior lited, 30' hi ground sign, w/edge of sign encr 10' over req 10 1 landscape strip & obs 0' front yd, pole obs 10' front yd where 10' landscape strip clear to sky & 25' front yd req; Zone M-lA.__ (See_L-354)____________________________________ Case_No._8060_____________ 3-23-67____ ABOVE Case No. 8060 appealed to Bd. of Zoning Appeals & appeal DENIED & decision of Z.A.sustained & affirmed. Case No. 8060 5-3-67 ABOVE appealed to City Council & decision of Board overruled & appeal GRANTED for I sign to encr max of 15' into req 25 1 front yd.___ (Case_No._8060)_______________________________ ~:~:-~~~z~~---------------=~~:Z______ Parcel 1-- SIGN VARIANCE requested by KEARNEY MESA POOPERI'Y ASSOCIATION to erect a 4' x 6' nonurnant sign obsezving a 7'-0" front yard wiere a 25'-0" front yard is required was DENIED. C-19350 Februai:y 9, 1987