Congress Heights Card 3
CONGRESS HEIGHTS CARD 3.tif doici8Ei;s' 'a:maliTs ioniTioic b o I 6,, S 'Z- i-c.,- I 1,:::, q;;- CABI> #3 Lot 136 & Ely 151 Lot 137, 1 sin fam res., Ed H. & Ethel Gillitzer S-29 2-15-52 Lot 138 &137 exc Ely 15' Frances & Claude A. Gardner 1 sin fam S-1 8-27-51 Lot 161- Permit to Angelo & Santina Laurino to erect 3' retain wall & 3' free-stand wall, alg fr prop line on M::> nmouth Dr., & const 10' x 21' patio shelter with 9' SB on M::> nmouth, at 1648 Beryl St. Res. 9031 7-6-J5 Lot 146- Permit to Wm. s. Chamness to uaintain eaves approx 28" from prop line at 1610 M::> nmouth Dr., R-1 c-426 5-11-56 Lot 116- Permit to Lynn 0, Robinson to const 20' x 23' gar with 9' SB from Malden St. betw Collingwood Dr, & Jewell, with 5' side yd, R-1 C-1101 4-1-57 Lot 118- Condl permit to Lynn 0, Robinson to const 20' x 23' garage obs 9' SB from Malden St,, on Malden Betw Collingwood Dr. & Jewell, R~l C-:J,101 4-1-57 Lot 150- Permit to F.dwin o. Delle to const res on par w/o st. fr,, served by recorded 15' easement,:NEly of inter, Foothill & Mmmouth Dr. C-1436 9-27-57 Lot 101- Permit to Fredrick R. Jaeger to conat garage with 2 1 SB (12' req) 1746 Malden St., but DENIED 12" side yd(4 req) C-1732 & 1733 3-21-58