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Development Services

Combitation Land Co.'S Sub. (Teralte) Block 11

COMBITATION LAND CO.'S SUB. (TERALTE) BLOCK 11.tif COMBINATION LAND C0 1S SUBDIVISION (Teralta) BLOCK 11 Lot J- Permit to Edith B. & E.E. Deggendorf to store small amt of printing ink & stationary in exist garage at 4415- 33rd St. provided no signs are posted on property & no sales made on premises. Res. 1575 6-6-46 Por Lot K- Variance to erect approx 31' of 6 1 hi solid wood fence obs O' st side yd along Meade St where max 3' hi fence perm in req 8 1 st side yd; 4403- 33rd St betw Monroe & Meade Ave, Zone R-4. TABLED Case No. 11593 (N.H.) 11-27-72