Colony Park
COLONY PARK.tif COLONY PARK '(x,.1/,., u~- 1{[) Lot 7- Permit to Mark & Sarah V. Uselton to constr single fam res obs 17 1 611 rear yd where 20' req; E side Barbara Ann Pl, Zone R-1 (Amended application). Case No. 362 4-30-56 Lot 4- Permit to Mark & Sarah Virginia Uselton to constr single fam res obs 17 1 611 rear yd where 20' req; Barbara Ann Pl, No of Bocaw Pl. Case No. 740 9-7-56 Lot #3- ZA APPIDVED permit to JEEF'ERY & BOBBIE RASCHKE for variance to construct a two-story single-family dwelling 33'-3" in height at the highest point where 30'-0" is the maxi.mum height permitted:in a s:ingle-family zone. Lot #3, colony Po:int, Map 11056, located at 4610 Janet Place, Zone Rl-5000. 1/29/87