Collwood Park #2 Card 5
COLLWOOD PARK #2 CARD 5.tif CotLWOOD PAIi: UBl'f' # 2 s Lot 173-.AGDEMD'l' #1072, to Dr. Mrs..Tim Sctumert to conatruct adclitiori of family' room witb batb. and ainlt to exiatiq single taaily' residence. 1/20/60 Lot 188- Permit to Housing Corp of Alpha Epsilon Phi- Epsilon Nu Chapter Sorority to conv an exist duplex into a sorority houseto be occupied by 8 girls and one housemother, located on the south side of Montezuma Rd. betw Rockford Dr. & 6jrd St., Zone R-J, Cond 11. CUP Case No. 151-PC 8-14-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 144- Permit DENIED to John M. Holleran to const 14' x 20' guest house addn on lot with exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 4 1 rearyd where 20' is req; at 6145 Mary Ln. Dr. betw Rockford St. & 63rd St., zone R-1-5. Case#9834 6-12-70 Lot 165- g.A. has considered request of Mrs. Helen L. Butler to cons tr an 18'-6" x 20' two-story bedrm and bath addn to exist one-story sin fam hell; addn to obs all yards but result in approx 4~ cov where 4(),t, is perm; and to maintain accessory bldg 33'1n length where 30' is perm and containing 66o sq. ft. where 500 sq. ft. is perm in req side or rear yd at 6172 Mary Lane Dr betw 63rd St and Rockford Dr, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the req 4~ cov, but has APPROVED the accessory bldg in rear yd 33' in length and containing 660 sq/ ft. where such bldg shall not be more than 30' in length nor contain more than 500 sq. ft. on the condition that no portion of said bldg shall be used for living or sle~ing purposes. Case 10374 N.H. 3-22-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------