Collwood Park #2 Card 2
COLLWOOD PARK #2 CARD 2.tif COLLWOOD PAHK NO. 2 C,G 2.'1 q ~ $. 2 2.0- / 'j t.-(q 9" Gard No. 2 Lot 189- Above C-6689{Card #1) extended to March 1, 1966, AND amended to include \'\ permission for 4 off-street parking spaces to commence 13 1 from curb and 2 1 inaide of property line where 18 1 and 3' 1 reapect.ively,are required. 3/18/65 (C-7082) Lots 207 & 208- Z.A. considered the appl. of Gamma Alpha of Alpha Phi, Inc. to const. 2-story dining room, kitchen & dormitory addn. to exist. non-confonning 2-story sorority house, resulting in structure with total of approx. 7500 sq. ft. fl0or area, furnishing 17 parking spaces of which 12 are sub-standard; those 12 consisting of eight 7'-9" x 19'-10", four 7'-9" x 19'-6", & three of these sub-standard spaces being stacked parking; five spaces to obs min standards for parking spaces except tl:a t two spaces will be 13'-9" from curb where 18' is req. & where multiple dwellings & rooming or boarding houses with a max of 5 boarders is penn.; no parking or parking area is perm. within 18' of curb line & in no case within 3' of front prop. line; each parking space is req. to be a min. of 8'-611 & each parking space is req. to open directly on an aisle or driveway; and (Case 7083) above addn. to obs O' side yd. where 4' side yard is req. and has APPROVED the use, APPROVED the parking as amended, DENIED the O' side yard for living quarters above aprking structure but APPROVED the O' side yard for the pi rking structure, subj. to 5096 Montezuma Rd. R-4 Zone condl_ ~ ' ' Cases 7082, 7083 5/3/bS '-~- ikfl~:.._/fJ,t2Uldk:rud.._C.?z.:L~~~.$,,J.---.------------------ L Abo~ 6689 (Card #1) amended to include approx. 3% overcoverage (conditional) 7-7-65