Collwood #1 Card 4
COLLWOOD #1 CARD 4.tif COLLivoob, UNIT NO. 1.1,.1\-11'--l3 ' Catld #4 Lot 181- Permit to Monty R. & Amelia B. Melucci to const 13' x 23' fam rm addn to rear of ex: exist fam res located on par with detached gar; addn resulting in 43% cov where 40% is perm at 4830 Austin Dr. R-1 Zone; condl C-5570 3-27-63 AMENDED 4-23-63 Lot 198-Joseph La d.ussa & lfary Tamburello La H.ussa to agree that no portion of this lot will ever be used for any commercial use whatsoever Agree. #673 8-28-50 Lots 114 & 116- Paul Miller, Asst. Secy. of Collwood Const Co., to div the above des prop into two parcels aw follows: (1) the sf of lot 115 and the whole of lot 116 (2) the N~ of lot 115 and the whole of lot 114 A-6 8 Lot 48- Ra,ymond W. & Jeffie Wade, owners req perm to maint approx 60' of 5' hi chain link fence obs.from 0 1 to 15' SB on Collwood Blvd. where 3' hi fence perm in req 15 1 fror,t yd at 4610 Antioch Fl at end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Denied as req but approved 5' hi chain link fence obs 7 1 to 9 1 along Collwood Blvd., subject to cond C-8482 N.H. 2-13-68