Collins Business Park Map 9245
COLLINS BUSINESS PARK MAP 9245.tif rou.~ BUSINESS PARK ooq1Ys 5 '2.~Y-/'l~(HAP 9245 Lot 11- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Collins BusfiinessdPark I to observe 16 1 side yard where 24' is required, access t.J be across Lot 10 were 1rect access to a dedicated street is required, and to provide 38.6% of Lot for parking area and driveway where 40% of the Lot is required, (COND) at 3821 Calle Fortunada Zone M-1B Cl681 I 6/2/80,,, Lot 4- ZA WITHDRAWS request of PAUL ECKE, SR., TRUSTEE dba SPECIAL CARE CORP. to provide child care center for 76 children in the M-lB Zone. Located at 3880 Calle Fortunada, M-lB. CUP NOT REQUIRED C-20768 7/22/91