College Ranch# 3 Card 2
COLLEGE RANCH# 3 CARD 2.tif ob40S4 S Lot 505- Permit to Kenneth B. & Jacquelyn J. Kellogg to constr a aater bedrOCD addn vitb bar ainlt to exist sin tam dwell at 6215 Lake Arrowhead Dr. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1720 11-10-71 Lot 404- The Z.A. has considered the request of Robert W. and Mary L. Lipe to construe. a 15'6" x 19 1 811 addn. to an existing single famly. dwel I Ing; addn. to obs. a 10 1 rear yrd. and fireplace to obs. an 81 411 rear yrd where 20_!,.,jj;_Jeq. at 6332 Lake Al tin In the R-1-5 Zone Denied as requested, but approve(toobs. a 12' rear yrd. subject to condilons. C- 13190 7-29-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------