College Park Hospital & Medical Center Card 2
COLLEGE PARK HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER CARD 2.tif ''i.. COLLEGE PARK HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER Card #2. 2~ Lot 1- CASE TABLED and Refunded- request of cnanco Medical Industries- College Park Hospital Inc. Lessee to erect one 41 x 81 free-standing double-faced lignted entrance sign witn l' x 4' panel attacned tnereto, overall neignt 17' wnere signs are perm attached to face of bldg. only; (2) base of sign to encroacn 4' into and face of sign to observe 0' set ack wnere 10' is establisned on 67tn St. at 6666 Montezuma Rd. NW cor 67tn St and Montezuma Rd- Zone R-e C-10335 Filed 2-16-71