College Park #3 Block 18 Card 1
COLLEGE PARK #3 BLOCK 18 CARD 1.tif 00LLEIJE PABX t.11'11' lfO. 3 Lot 19- Permit DENIED to Robley Veall, own. & LeRoy H. Loewen, pur. sideyd & 24" eaves both sides, N side ot Lindo Paseo, approx CARD #I to erect res. 5' 800 1 W ot 10/5/49 Campanile Dr. Res No. 4189 Lot 5- Permit to Delta Sigma Pbi Fraternity to conv an exist sin tam res into frat house to be occupied by 8 boys located on the south side of Hardy St. betw 55th St. & Campanile St., Zone B-4. CUP Case #153-PC 8/14/67 Lot 9- Permit to Richard T. Clem, Owner & Alpha-Omega Bldg. Fund to operate & maintain fraternity house located on S side of Hardy Dr., Zone R-3. CUP 273-PC ABOVE appealed to Council- APPEAL DENIED Res 202445 Inc. Permittee DENIED Ave betw 55th &_Campanile 12-28-70 4-20-71 Lot 4- Permit APPROVED by AZA to A.C. AMANTEA to construct a 3-story, 12 unit apartment building with underground parking garage to (I) observe an 8 1711 front yard where 10' is established; (2) erect approximately 10' of maximum 5' high retaining wall to observe a O' front yard where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in established 10' front yard, at 5565 Hardy Avenue, Zone R-4. Condition. C-16896 NH 8-26-80~ Westerly 15' of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21- Permit to A.C. AMANTEA to provide parking for 20 condominium units located on adjacent lots to the west, at 5566-5584 Lindo Paseo, Zone R-1-5. CUP 17180 TABLED