College Park #2 Block 15
COLLEGE PARK #2 BLOCK 15.tif COLLEGE PARK UNIT NO. 2 BLOCK 15 Lot 5- Permit to E. P. Ervin & Frances V. to constr res w/25' SB from Linda Paseo on No 65.97' of said lot; SE corner of Linda Paseo & Campanile Dr. Res. No. 5392 3-7-51 Permit to Florence E. Littrell to constr 3-story triplex in rear of exist single fam res, result in 4 dwellings on prem; triplex to be served by 9 1 access ct, obstructed by fireplace chimney to 8 1 at 1 pt, where 10' access er req on Lot 3; 5815 Lindo Paseo betw Campanile & Montezuma Pl, Zone R-4. Case No. 7274 7-19-65