College Park #1 Block 4 Card 1
COLLEGE PARK #1 BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif oO z.1q 6 5 ~-20.,.. J.? <-/i CARD # 30 COLLmE PARK tmrr NO. 1 BLOCK 4 Lot 6- H. D. & Priscilla M. Sellman- to make handmade accessories for women, including beaded dress ornaments, cocktail aprons & woolen slips; 5076 College Place, Zone R-1; Condl. Res. No. 5876 9-19-51---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3- Permit to Chi Omega Inc., c/o Glenn A. Rick, to move exist dwell & constr sorority house obs 12' setback on College Ave where the average setback of the block, 18', is, req; 5()82 College Ave, Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 4842 4-26-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Fermi t to Kappa Del ta House Corp. to cons tr addns to, remodel. & tie together 2 structures used as 17 gues capacity sorority house With nonconform right, resulting in l structure obs 10' rear yd from center of alley & 5' st side yd where l5'rear yd & 10' st side yd is req & where boarding or lodging house w/max of 5 guests is perm, & to provide 7- ~ x 20' paved off-st parking spaces obs 6 1 distance from c11rb of College Pl where 9- ~ x 20' parking spaces obs a min 18 1 distance from curb is req, at 5066 College Ave, Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 6642-43 9-1-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Daniel William Cooper Scholastic Foundation for perm to constr & operate a Fraternity House accoDIIIOdating 38 students and l house mother in & on real property on the W side of College Ave; Condl. CUP Case No. 170-PC----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------