College Gardens # 2 Card 1
COLLEGE GARDENS # 2 CARD 1.tif COLLEGE GLEN #2 Ob 4 'l ""t 'l S 1 I(/- I ~ 45 ~/:z'j / l!5 Lot 72- Permit to Leon J. & Mildred J. Greco to erect 4-611 high free standing wall, por to be on retaining wall ranging in height to 3 1-611; fence & retaining wall to obs 21 SB on Ely side where 10' SB is estab; por of fence to be over storm drain easement (See Encroachment Permit #2027 & W.O. #20020), at 4902- 54th St. & Baja Dr., Zo~ R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6397 3-24-64-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 72- Permit to Leon & Mildred Greco, owners, & A.M.T. Development Co., lessee, to erect one 21 x 3 1 directional, free standing, double faced, unlighted sign with a max height of 6 1 o!'fering College Valley homes, a new subdivision, for sale,,?n Baja Drive, Wly of 54th Street, Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6406 3-26-64 v Lot 104- Permit to James & Electra Demos to add 2nd story fam rm with bar sink, 5591 Baja Dr Zone R-l-5. AGREE# 2139 3-30-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12- Permit to Martin P. & Lenora C. Kellough to use property as a residential care ~~4.~~~r;J~sel~?i-:';;~;~!/.a~~i127~aJ~R-1-5_Zone.__ DENIED.__ c-14310.__ 6-13-77,___