Climax # 5 Card 1
CLIMAX # 5 CARD 1.tif CLIMAX No:s D <5c./lf00-CJo,:; 232-/7~3 Card #l Lot 486- Permit to heodore Associates to const sin fam res with att gar, dwei I to obs 18' rear yd where req, at 8450 Scarf Pl, at end of cul de sac R-1 Case No. 4 98 /28/62 Lot 681- Condi. per to Theodore Associates to adjust lot lines between lots 504(#5) & 681(#8) per plat map on file in Zoning Oiv of the Planning Dept at 8462 Highwood Dr R-1 Case No. 5417 1/15/63 Lot 511- Z.A. considered app of Raymond C & Mildred Asbury to erect 41 high redwood fence on top of exist 4 1 high retaining wall obs 0 1 SB from ~oulder Lake Ave. extending 60' from rear p.l; & to maintain exist 4 1 high retaining walf obs O'SB from Boulder Lake Ave & LaRouche Dr where max 3' high wall of fence is perm in req 12 & 10' SB, at 8403 LaRouche Dr, SE cor La Rouche Dr & Boulder Lake Ave, Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED the req 4 1 redwood fence on top of exist 4 1 high retain wall but APPROVED maintenance of 4 1 high ret wall with O' SB from Boulder Lake Ave & La Rouche Dr & further APPROVED 60 linear ft of 4 1 hi redwd fence obs a 2' SB from Boulder Lake Ave condl C-6447 4/22/64 Lot 509- Permit to James M & Rada K Anderson to erect sol id wood fence along Wly and Nly property lines on top of 6 1 high bank, fence to vary in height from 2 1 811 to 6 1 resulting in fence 5 1 811 to 9' above average adj ground level where max 6 1 is perm 8412 Highwood llr NE cor Highwood & Boulder Lake R-1-5 Zone ~~ 8!5/64lJC-C.s'!'0 Lot 428- Permit DENIED to John E & Frances Y Grimes to erect approx 75' of 6 1 hi solid redwd fence obs 5' SB from Renkrib Ave where a 3' high fence is perm in estab 12' SB 6890 Boulder Lake Ave SW cor of Boulder Lake & Renkrib Zone R-1-5 APPEALED and DENIED 3/5/68 Case No 8514 NH 1/8/68 Lot 510- Permit to Eugene F. & Tanis Gribbin to erect approx 40' of 5' hi solid wood fence obs O' SB on Boulder Lake Ave. where a 3' hi fence is perm in estab 10' SB at 8402 Highwood Dr.,:NE cor Hignwood Dr. & Boulder Lake Ave., R-1-5 C-6649 NH 8-5-64 1