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Development Services

Climax # 3 Card 2

CLIMAX # 3 CARD 2.tif CLIMAX #3 Lot 249- Permit to Donald o. Bowdle to maintain for a period of one year one 6 1 x 10' x 14 high 2-pole double-faced directional sign advert "The Knolls" and "Ridgehaven" where max 8 sq. ft. sign advert prop for sale or lease is penn at 6605 Cowles Mountain Blvd. betw Navajo Rd and Tommy Dr. Zone R-1-5, Cond 'l. C-10840 N.H. 10-13-n No ext (9-25-'72) Lot 324- Permit to John R. & Pamela Luttrelle to constr 23' x 24' fam room, living-room & bedroom extension to exist sin fem dwell; eddn to obs 16' rear yard where 20' is req; at 8120 Hudson Drive, NE cor of Hudson Place and Hudson Dr, Zone R-1-5, C-12929 N,H. 12-5-74 Lot 245- Permit to Richard Eugene and Wilma freireich to erect and main for a period of one year a 3'x5'x10' single-faced nonillum subdivision directional ground sign advertising "Springhill Townhouses" located approx d,ne-thlrd lllll mile to the west; sign to obs 0 1 rear on Navajo Road. 7931 To11JT1y Drive. Zone R-1-5, Conditions. C-14946. 3-15-78. Lot 276- Agreement with Bsiu and Chang Ban Chi to construct a bedroom addition to a single-family dwelling having interior access through a shared bedroom and separate exterior access, located at 8154 Tommy Drive, zone Rl-5000. Agreement #4128 10-21-88