Climax # 17a Card 1
CLIMAX # 17A CARD 1.tif CLIMAX UNIT NO. 17-A C:,e,.5"87$-~...5.23,r/- l7t:.S- CA~D)Jl:. Lots 1417, 1419., 1421, 142.3, 1425, 1429, 1431, 1433, 1435, 1441, 1447, 1449, 1451, 1456, 'ffl'o Nash Associates by Norton DeveloF'llent Co., Corp. to const struct split lever sing fain res on each lot with bar sink in fam room on lwwer level, on Highwood Dr., Dent Dr. & Frazier Dr., Agreement No. 1482 6-16-67----------------------------------------.------------- Lot 1448- Permit DENIED George G. and Mary Gant to constr 22' x 25 addn to exist single fam res; addn to observe 7' rear yd where 20' is req; at 8706 Highwood Dr--------------2~~!-~~2~!:~-!?:"-~-~~~!-~L-~~!-~:!:2!___________ c~!!_No._8555____ 2-29-68_______ Lot 1426- Z.A. has DENIED the appl of Albert J. & Carol W. Grenier to {l] to erec~ approx 76 1 of retaining wall on soutb por of prop; a wall to range in neight from O' to 61 with open fence on top thereof ranging in height from 3' to 5' where max 3' hi retaining wall with 3' hi open fence on top thereof is perm in 15' est setback on Highwood Dr and (2) to erect approx 15' of op en block fence 5' ni obs a 7' setback on highwood Dr wnere a max 3' hi fence is perm in a 15' est setback at 8605 Dent Dr, NE cor Intersec with Highwood Dr; Zone R-1-5. c-10352 N.H. 3-1-71 ABOVE- C-10352- APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals- GRANTED and tne decision of the Z.A. overruled and the appellants' appeal is sustained. 3-29-'.Tl. Lot 1424- AGREEMENT to SAMUEL TURNER to construct a second story addition with bath and bar sink, at 8767 Highwood Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2896 1-19-83 29