Cliffside Card 2
CLIFFSIDE CARD 2.tif CLIFFSIDE Oo.);qq S ~!1. Uo8!, Card 2,B/ Lot JO- AGREEMENT #950 to Louise Merrick to install Murphy Unit incld sink, refrigd and hot late in rum us rm 10/21/57 Lot 37- Permit DENIED to Dr. Rodman A. Sharp to maintain 2' of 6 1 10" wood screen fence behind estab 5' SB in req side yd, where a 6 1 high fence is perm on Lot at 5544 Calumet Ave betw Forward St & Midway St, Zone R-l-5 Case No. 8365 10/24/67 Lot 38- Z.A. considered the application of Amy V Anderson to maintain 13'x15'deck cover addn to ej <,iSt sin fam dwell; addn to result in approx 45% coverage wnere 40"/o is perm at 5536 Calumet Ave betw Forward St & Midway St Zone R-l-a has DENIED the req for approx 5% overcoverage Case No.9050 1/17/69 APPEALED TO B.Z.A.- Board upheld and sustained 3/11/69 Lot 28- Z.A. considered appl of Mrs. Patricia A. Hodgson to repair fire dll.lll8ge to sin fam dwell & gar which covered 4~ of lot & to conetr 6' x 11' bedrm addn to sin fam dwell resulting in a total of 48.41 lot coverage where 4CJ1i is perm at 5519 Calumet Ave. betw Forward & Midway Sts, in tne R-1-5 and nae DENIED req as submitted but APPROVED a max coverage of 46,31 of total area. ~ /-/..i.-7 7(){:;--11)11.:.-0) C-9798 NH 3-23-7 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 28- Permit to Patricia A. Hodgson to erect approx 55' of 4 16" high ret wall obs O' SB along Calumet Ave Where a max 3' hi ret wall is perm in front of tne estab 10' SB line. at 5519 Cal~t Ave betw Forward St and Midway St. Zone R-1-5, "--, C-11264 N,B. 5-17-12-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 25- Permit to Charles and Jessie Hendrix to constr sin fem dwell providing access to prop thru recorded utility easement where access to prop is req via driveway from dedicated street adj to prop, at 5543 Ca1unet Ave. betw Forward St. and Midway St. Zone R-1-5, c-12825 10-4-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------