Cleveland Heights Block 4 Card 1
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS aLocK4 S.211,-1111. C~rd 1 E 30 1 Lots 1&2- Permit to Rose E--Niepag to use lower floor of exist apt bldg Univ. Ave. for office for rug cleaning bus.,,,&:.retail sale of rugs, cond 1 l Res. No. 1405 4/11/46 E 30 1 Lots 1&2- Permit to Marion J & Harriet Hayes & Lester A & Fay Miller to conduct rug cleaning bus. with max. 10 emp. at 131 W Univ., cond 1 l Res. #1837 10/24/46 E 62 1 Lots 8&9- Permit to Jack & Lola Walters, owners & Cecil N. & Mary A Bowen, pur, to conv one rm of exist res into beauty shop, 124 W. Robinson, R-4, cond 1 l Res. No. 6499 5/28/52 E 62 1 Lots 8&9- Permit to Cecil N & Mary A Bowen to continue oper of beauty 124 W. Robinson, cond11 Res. No. 8322 6/23/54 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Helene Mintz to const 13 1 x35 1 addn to exist res, to living area &-antique store area, at Nw cor 1st & Robinson Aves., cond 1 l Res No. 9048 7/20/55 shop at be used as Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Helene Mintz to operate antique exist res., at 108 w. Robinson St., Zone R-4, cond 1 I Res. No. 8980 6/8/55 E 30 1 Lots I & 2- Permit to Marion J & Harriet Hayes to erect bldg to house exist rug cleaning bus, max 2 emp., with 2 liv units on 2nd fl., cond 1 I, at 131 W. Univ Ave. R(s. No. 9100 8/17/55 ~ot 5- Permit to M J Hayes, owner & Ray Shoepp, lessee to maitain upholstery & drapery sho int m. uarters for 4 mo. 3833l Front St. Res, No. 9101 8/17/55 Lots 10 & II- ermit to Helane Mintz to oper antique bus in res at 108 W. Robinson Ave. cond 1 I Case No. 823 10/26/56 E 62' Lots 8-9- Permit to Ann & C,N. Bowan to operate beauty shop, approx 3 days per wk, no employees, no sign, at 124 W. Robinson Ave, R-4, condl, to expire 1/1/63 Case No. 3775 I /6/61 ~p{A 1-1-7s-(!-:JJ,.f) ext to 1/1/65;2yr ext to exp 1/1/69/2 yr ext to ex 1/1/67(3/2/65).,..) lyr ext to exp 1/1/70 (1/8/69) Oa.-'7/f;7?ArfA;l.) ~A.?J 1-1- 73(1-~- 7..._ l yr ext_to_.-x~-1-71 (i.'.::.122'f())~ ~ /-_ I-__Z:i..._Ci--?i) (13-'J.7-7~- etl.--ftf_ 1-1-'7)