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Development Services

Cleveland Heights Block 3

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 3.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 3 Lots 16-18- Permit to John D. Spreckels Masonic temple Assoc. to erect temple with 71611 rear yd & 9"/4 overcov., SW cor Front & Univ. Res. No.7444 5/27/53 Lot 16-18- 6 mo. ext. granted on Res. 7444 ABOVE, Masonic Temple Res. No. 7889 11/13/53 Lots 16-18- FINAL ext. of 1 yr granted on Res. 7889 ABOVE Res. No,8190 5/12/54 Lots 16-18- Permit to John D. Spreckels Masonic Temple Assoc. to const lodge with 5' SB on Front St. Res. No.8890 4/27/55 Lots 16-18- Permit to John D. Spreckels Masonic Temple Assoc. to rent lodge bldg & facilities for use by service & luncheon clubs, et~. with no sale or consumption of intox. 3858 Front St,, R-4 ' < Case No. 1400 8/30/57 Lots 14-15- Permit to Osif Investment to to construct 3-story, 18 unit apart. bldg providing 10 off str prkng spacesrin front yd; prkng space to obs 16' frm curb In where 18' is req, 3800 blk Front St bet Univ. & Robinson St. Zone R-4 George Klicka, Jr. Developer. Case No. 8933 N.H. 10/7/68