Cleveland Heights Block 20
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 20.tif CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Lots 1-2 W 72' of N 61.4' house as petitioned D~) S~IO-til7 BLOCK 20- Variance to Ord.12988 for by Richard H. Frank to allow a Boarding and/or 1250 Fifth Ave. DENIED Res 76275 2/24/42 lodging Por. Lot 2- ZA DENIED request of JOHN H. MARKLEY to constr attached carport to SFD, unit to observe a 0 1 front yd where 15' is reqd & to obs. a O' side yd where 4' is reqd at 3417 Albatross St., Zone R-3000. C-18755 3/29/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------