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Cleveland Heights Block 11 Card 1

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif ' CLEVELAND HEIGHTS BLOCK 11 000'--\\ ~ ~)0-,t,r7. ~c,,-./ # I Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Claude & Estlier Kettle, purch. & Frances B McCarty, owner, I() to const sin fam unit with double gar. & st. clsd. alij.. having no frontage & A on dedicated st. but served by dedicated alley on Robinson News betw Brookes W Penns lvania R-2 Case No 2925 11/13/59 MOhtH extension to expire 11/19/60 6 months extension to expice 5/19/61 6 mo ext to 11/19/61 6 months (FINAL) to expire 5/19/62.,. 11 /17 /61 Case No 2925 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to James H. & Helen L. Stevens (C-9149) to provide third req parking space for proposed addnl sin fam dwell on lot; space to be next to existing nonconforming two car carport in frnt yd where prkg:is not perm in req front yd; and (9150) (1) to convert existing res patio to sin fam dwell obs 7 1 611 rear yd where 10' rear yd is lerm if balance of 5' is provided betw bldgs on lot in addn to req space betw bldgs (2) to maint exist concrete block wall ranging in ht from 4 1 to 7' on street side yd property 1 ine and to erect on top thereof a 3' hi wood fence whece a wall or fence not exceeding 3' in ht & a 3' hi open fence on top thereof only is perm at 3606 Front St., betw Brookes Ave. & Pennsylvania Ave. Zone R-2 condl Case No. 9149 & 9150 3/19/69 Sly 29' of Lot 17- Permit to Mrs. Virginia Von Gunden to erect 68' of 5' hi grapestake fence obs O' front yd where max 3' ni fence is perm in req 15' front yd at 3636 Front St. betw Brookes & Pennsylvania Aves., Zone R-2, J- 1-- 'i- /ff. Jf'i w, L IJt, 1 C-9803 HH 3-24-70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 8- Request of Virginia Von Gunden to const sfd with 2 car pking structure obs a O' fy; to const steps in fy sb obs a ht of 6 1 at 3650 Front St. Request WITHDRAWN. C-14176. 2-15-77, (R-2 Zone l:lR}.-. ~ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------