Clairemont Vista #1 Card 1
CLAIREMONT VISTA #1 CARD 1.tif clA I REMONT-..; I STA 't-io: 1 003&5"0-00.S Lot 87- Condi permit to John G. & Frances Kalogeris to const 5 1 high center! ine of future street at 4~71 Cind St. R-1 C-109 /19/57,, CARD//1 redwood fence on Lot 3- Robert & Barbara Ashley DENIED to maint exist 5 1 hi concrete blk wall, obs 2 1 611 SB, where 3' hi wal I & 12; SB is req; 4498 Bertha St., R-l APPROVED 4' hi wal I c-2770 8/28/59 Lot 26- Permit to Marvin E. & Helen R. Cobb to maint exist patio obs 11.7 1 rear yd located on lot with exist dwell which obs 16 1 rear ydLwhere 20' is req at 4512 Rolfe Rd, R-\ c-4625 1/16/62 Lot 56- Appl. of Tony & Vivian Picaroni TABLED- to const open patio addn to sing fam reg; addn to obs 2 '6 1 ' side yd where 4' side yd is reg C-6445 11 /24/64 Lot 24- Permit to Raymond W. Wade to maint approx 45' of 8 1 hi sol id redwood fence along side p.l. where a 6 1 hi fence is perm at 4532 Rolfe Rd. betw Pamela Ct & Don Way R-1-5 C-7945 N.H. 11/4/66 Lot 21-Permit to Wm, & Joan Noga to const 12' x 25' fam rm addn to sin fam dwell; por of addn will obs a 17' rear yd where 20' is req at 4551 Rolfe Rd. betw Saginaw Ave. & Don Way R-1-5 C-9272 N,H. 5/6/69 Lot 36- Permit DENIED to Jean J, & Eleanor Montalto to convert & extend exist res patio / att to sin fam dwell to recreation room; patio now obs 11' rear yd but recreation rm will obs a 6 1 rear yd wnere 20' is req at 4498 Bertha St betw Bertha Ct & Rolfe Rd., Zone R-1-5, C-9969 7-21-70