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Development Services

Clairemont Unit#7 Card 3

CLAIREMONT UNIT#7 CARD 3.tif ctAtruM)Hf UllT 10:" 1.. OOdVlcl ~:l~tJ-l'?t> f:/.. . . ...... Card #3 Lots 1185-86- Perm.ii to. Clairemont Bus . Prppowner & Standard Oil c.o of Cal lessee to const & operate ga serv sta with 24' x 31' lighted, pole-mounted signs, mounted on pump islands back of SB; signs not to projt iito public prop; & 2 light standard in SB area SW cor Clairemont Dr. & Balboa Ave. XX RC condl C-3453-54 7-8-60 Lots 1185-86- Permit to Clairemont Bus. Prop. own & Standard Oil lessee to const & operate gas station with 2 4' x 31' lighted, pole mounted signs, sign posts be mounted on pump islands, one on Balboa Ave. & one on Clairemont Dr., Sfgn to pruj to O' SB on both sts. but not into pub prop where restricted retail bus are permitted & where 12' SB is req on Clairemont Dr. & 10' on Balboa Ave., on SW cor of Clairemont Dr. & Balboa Ave. Zone RC C=4112-13 6-1-61 AMEND 1 sign 4 1 x 31' on Balboa; one 5' x 7!8" on Clairemont Dr. (7-19-61) ABOVE- AMEND: lX][I to include 2 metal price signs, dbl faced 44" x 58" within SB area 3-3-65) Lot 1126- Permit to Cleo H, & Mary J. Hinrichs to const 684 sq ft detached gar & hobby shop on rear of lot obs 5' rear yd (25' req) at 3882 Tomahawk Lane betw Stacy Ave. & Ute Dr. R-1 c-5089 8-6-62 / Lot 1184- Permit to Clairemont Business Properties, owner & Speedee Mart Inc. lessee to erect & maint. one 2' x 24' interior lighted plastic sign attached to face of bldg & 1 sign 4' x 10' int. lighted, 1li: dbl-faced, post mtd sign; post obs 2' SB, sign O' SB (10' SB & 84 sq ft perm) RC at 4217 Balboa Ave. C-5297-98 11-21-62