Clairemont Unit#7 Card 2
CLAIREMONT UNIT#7 CARD 2.tif Lot 1185- Permit to Ciairemont stand board sign with removable sign on eaves of bldg condl Card 1,2. Co., own & Clair w. Burgener Co.,1essee to const fre letters, 6 1 x 10' back of SB line, for J: lyr, & a c-821 10-26-56 Lot 1185- Permit to Clairemont Co., x own & Suburban Svgs & Loan Assoc., lessee to const free-stand dbld-faced sign, 6 x 10' back of SB line at 4181 Balboa Ave. R-C for l yr., condl c-888 12-3-56 Lot 1185- Condl permit to Clairemont Co., own & Clair W. Burgener Co., lessee to maint. free-stand lighted, listing board sign with removable letters, approx 6' x 10' back of SB line, for 2 yrs, at SW cor of Balboa Ave. & Clairemont Dr., R-C zone; also 2 signs att to face of bldg, each max of 18" x 36" one on Balboa Ave. side & one on Clairemont Dr. side c-1633 2-7-58 Lot 1185- Permit, condl, to Clairemont Co., own & Suburban Sbgs & Loan Assn, lessee to maint. exist dble-faced, 6' x 10' sign, back of SB line at 4181 Balboa Ave. R-C C=l637 2-7-58 Lot 1184- Permit to Tidewater Oil co. to replace exist electrolier with adv sign at V SE cor of Balboa Ave. & Clairemont Dr., the pole to obs O' SB {but DENIED the sign overhanging public prop) RC C=l979-80 Ji 8-8-58-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1184- Permit to Clairemont Rental Prop., own & Mesa Rulty Co. lessee to constr 4' x 10' unlighted changeable letter sign obs 8' SB {12' req) 3885 Clairemont Dr. with 6" panel across top bearing firm name C-2353 & 54 3-6-59