Clairemont Unit# 14 Card 1
CLAIREMONT UNIT# 14 CARD 1.tif QM~~J!~!~t~!~-- <> o 3_oqo-oo s 2',/2.-1101 s,,f"c1 #'/ Lo;t 2925- Permit to Watt Homes, Inc, to erect res & att gar, witll 3' side yd for- gar por of res, on S side of Luna Ave. betw Fargo & Epinette, Res. 18480 9-29-54-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2940- Permit to R. C, Strange, owner & J. R, Shattuck, lessee to maintain 18" x 41 direct. sign, 2874 Luna Ave., R-1, for l yr. Case #1708 3-7-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2895- Permit DENIED to Wayne & Diane Jorde to const a bedrm & fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 4675 Fargo Ave., south of El Penon Way, Zone R-1-5 C-9740 3-4-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2887- Permit to M,G. & Elizabetn A. D'Annunzio to erect approx 50 of retain wall ranging in nt from 6 1 to 10', por wxtending into req 41 interior side yd where max 61 wall is perm at 4614 Fargo Ave. betw El Penon Way & Powhatan Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-9877 NH 5-5-70 Lot 2887- Permit to M. G. & Elizabeth A. 01Annunzio to erect 61 wide swimming pool deck on top of over-height retaining wall permitted by C-9877, with approx. 50' of 6 1 high sol id fence on top of decking and existing wall (total height from 12 1 to 16') where max. 6 1 high wall with 3' high open fence on top is permitted in req. 4' sideyard, at 4614 Fargo Ave. bet. El Penon Way and Powhotan Ave., Zone R-1-5-------- C-10521 NH 5-14-71 c;;-ziia-:-P;;~1;-;;-i..ib~;;-;;d-FJ;;;;;;1;;;-c;.;a-~-;;-z;;;;;-;-1-if-ii;25,--i"a-~fl;.:-;o;r11-;JJ;-;o exs sfd; addn to obs a 14 1 211 rear yard. 2754 Powhatan Avenue. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-1 51 28. 6-1 5-78..::....-..::. -",2.