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Development Services

Clairemont Unit# 10 Card 3

CLAIREMONT UNIT# 10 CARD 3.tif CLAIREMONT UNIT #10 O()L/5 qq s, l'l~/7 /5' CARD #3 c9'i Lot 2109- Permit to Jimmie and Georgia Wood, owner; University City, Inc, lessee to maintain exist 4' x 8 1 directional sign (3 x 51 permitted by Case #4908 which exp 5-29-63) for a period of 1 yr. advertising new homes in new sub. Sign yo obs SB, 8 sq. ft. sign offering premises for sale is perm, at 3355-57 Clairemont Kesa Blvd., Svlly cor of Moraga Ave., R-2 Zone, condl. Case #5903 8-19-63 Lot 2109- DENIED permit to Jimmie and Georgia Wood, ow.ners and Tavares Dev. Co., lessee to maintain for period 1 yr. exis 4 1 x8 1 single faced, unlighted, directional ground sign adv. Leisure Life Village, at 3355-57 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., R-2 Zone. Case U7020 3-19-65 Lot 2166- Extension of Time to 9-1-66- Case #5926 of 8-19-63 (Mesa Vista Management Co.) 1 yr. ext to exp. 9~1-67 to C-5926 7-21-66 1 yr ext to exp 9-1-bS (No ext- 10-14-68) 8-7-67 Lot 2109- Permit to Jinmie and Georgia Wood, owners, and Tavares DevelofCllellt Co. (A.R. Wylie, Agent), lessee, to erect and maintain for a period of 1 yr, 141 x 8' single faced, unlighted directional ground sign advertising University City, a major subdivision located approx 314 mile westerly; said sign to encroach 91 into estab 12 1 SB on Moraga Ave., at 3.355-57 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., SW cor Moraga Ave. and Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Zone R-2, condl._., C-7078 and C-7393 11-8-65