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Clairemont Mesa #4 Card 4

CLAIREMONT MESA #4 CARD 4.tif CLAIREMONT MESA #4 o o '-I I c/ /,;,-oo S Lot 459- Pennit to Robert & Wanda Drewett to const approx 26' fam dweil; addn to obs 16'-1" rear yard wnere 20' rear yard is Zone R-l.-5. C-l266o NtH. CAf{D #4- x 31':famroom addn to sin req at 5357 Vergara S't. 5-29-74 Lot 297-Permit to Perry & Ruth Wilson to constr a 503 sq. ft.:fam room addn and a 346 sq.ft bedroom and bath addn to exist sin fam dwell;:family room addn to obs 12' rear yard and bed- room-bath addn to obs 18' rear ya.rd at tneir closest point where 20' is required, at 5228 Tara Place betw Limerick Ave. and end o:f cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Cond 'l. C-l280l 9-24-74 Lot 456- Permit to Thomas W.. Carroll, Owner and A. R. Wylie Sign Co., Lessee, to (1) erect & main for per of I-yr, sin faced 2' x 4' x 81 hi, non~illum sub directional sign advertisin "Time for Living", located on Printwood Wy approx 1/2 mi le to east; (2) sign to obs 0 1 SB on Doliva Dr. where 10' estab, at 5393 Vergera St., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l .1 i(_ t;.,,.;..,.,_-fe HJ- 3_ 3__ 7,, (J.- i"-?")______ c-13, 234____________________ 8-21-15______________ Lots 274 thru 281- CUP to Pardee Const. Co, Owner and Royale Guest Homes of Clairemont, Permittee, to const & oper 76-rm guest home for elderly persons, SE cor Clalremont Mesa Blvd & Limmerick Ave., Zone R-3A & R-1-5. ~ e:Jf/ y_-3Q- 5I &_____ 443-PC----------------------2-18-76--------------- LOt 464- AGREE with GERAIDINE CHAMBERLIN 'IO CCNSTRUCT 1-stry addit. to existing single- family resid. addition to contain outside access at 4621 Lyric Ln. zone Rl-5000. AGREE 3657 3~10-87 II