Clairemont Mesa # 15 Card 1
CLAIREMONT MESA # 15 CARD 1.tif Card #1 CLAIREl> NT MESA #15 6oe_Jq:3z-oo.S.2. t./2.-J 7 1.3---------------- 2 e, I Lot 1200- Permit to Mrs. Marie Halley to const 6 1 solid redwood fence along northerly & westerly edge of lot as per plans, at Chateau Pl., R-1 Zone condl. Case #5887 7-30-63-L;t-1215-:-;;;;;;it-t;-j;;k-;~-V~kiM~-M;l~t;;h-t;-;;;;t-;;;;;;-~;~;;;;;t;biock wall 6 1 hi obs 0' setback on Chateau Place where a max 3' hi wall is perm in a 15' established setback; at 4882 Chateau Dr, NE cor Chateau Dr and Chateau Pl, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 10306 N.H, 1-28-n CZ.~~;,L- fl- 7!:'--_---------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1301- Permit to Edward and Margaret Zitter to constr detacned recreation room, dressing room and bath addn with bar sink in recreation room at 4409 Verley Ct. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1787 8-21-72----------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1219- Permit to R, & Janet Shane to constr liv room extension, bedroom and bath addn to exist sin tam. dwell with bar sink in living room extension at 4834 Chateau Drive. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1927 2-12-74 Lot 1240- Permit to Raymond & Yvonne Benton to const 573 sq. ft. recrm addn obs 16'6" rearyd where 20' req; to main approx 85' of 8 1 hi ret wall & fence on int lot line where 6 1 max,,Jici:rnperm; to erect!6 1 611 sol Id 6 1 fence obs 10' st sldeyd where 15' SB is req, 4705 Renex Pl ~ Zone R-1-5,.iond I I ~1~-~~~~----:=~~~~:-~:~:----------==~~=~~----------- 2.2..