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Development Services

Clairemont Manor #2 Card 2

CLAIREMONT MANOR #2 CARD 2.tif CLAIREMONT MANOR #2 C,O.2 Cf 13-00-5 z,Jc/- J 70'] Card# 2 Lot 262- Permit to Ian M. Black m;~ to maintain exist block wall ranging in height from. 5'4" to 81 6" and to maintain exist 1llegal1 & nonconfirming bldg located on rear ot lot which building will house cabana & hobby shop by dividing said bldg into two seperate structures each with the following total lengths; cabana 30' 71/2" front by 30' 71/2" rear; hobby shop 31' 9" front by.30' 111/2 rear, both obs 0 1 aideyd & 41 rearyd where 4' side yd & 20 1 rearyd are req, at 4181 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Zone R-2 Casea 4743 & 4744 3-2-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOVE APPEALED AND THE APPEAL WAS DENIED DECISION OF 'IHE ZONING ADMINISTAATOR WAS SUSTAINED AND AFFIRMED. CASES 4743 & 4744 4-10-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 164- Permit to West Lama Development Co. to maintain exist rental office in sing fam unit of exist duplex for properties located & maintained in "Western Village" a develo:i:ment of 186 duplexes in imme~te vicinity, where 2 sing fam res or a duplex is perm; at 4301 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, SE corner Claireaont Mesa Blvd & Kleefield Ave. Zone R-2 Condl. Case #8241 (N.H.) T-13-67