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Development Services

Clairemont Manor #2 Card 1

CLAIREMONT MANOR #2 CARD 1.tif Card #1 Lot 222- Permit to Albert Jumblatt, M.D., lessee & West Loma Dev. Co., owner, to oper doctor's office at 4259 Bannock st., for 6 mo. Res. #8407 8-4-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 222- 6 mo. ext.. to Albert Jumblatt, M.C. on Res. 8407 ABOVE Res. #8765 2-16-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 16.3 thru 166- Permit to Irvin J. Kahn to maintain 2 sq. ft. sign & rental office & use garages for storage & maintenance repairs, for 2 yr 4.301 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. R-2 Case #1751.3-28-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 118- Permit to West Loma Dev. Co., owner, and Clairem.ont Vista, to maintain existing 4' x 8 1 directional sign for 11Normandy Estates 11 in SB area, where 121 is required at 4502 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., R-2. Cond' 1. Case #1782 4-11-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 118- Condl permit tow. Loma. Dev. Co., ower, & Clairemont Vista, lessee to maintain exist. 4' x 81 directional sign in SB area advertising 11Normandy Estates" at 4502 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.. R-2. 1,r- exp 4-11-58 Case #1781 4-11-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot135- Permit DENIED to West Loam Dev. Co., owner,& Clairemont Vista,lessee, to maintain exist. 3 1 x 5' directional sign reading "Model Homes" advertisin8 group 0 subdiVisions, at 4881-83 Genesee Ave. R-2 Case H1783 4-11-58------------------------------------------------------------------------- u