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Clairemont Genesse Plaza #3 Card 2

CLAIREMONT GENESSE PLAZA #3 CARD 2.tif CLA!REMONT-GENESEE PLAZA #3 2 t./(./- J 70Cj Card #2,, Lot 1 CONTINUED- at tne NW corner of Genesee Ave. & Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Zone RC-lA and nas made tne following decisions: (1) DENIED as req but APPROVED 2 pump islands; (2) DENIED as req, but APPROVED 1 free-standing, 64 sq ft dble-faced, interior lighted,, 28' hi sign with pole obs 11' SB; (3) APPROVED: (4) APPROVED,; (5) DENIED as req but ~~~~~~=~~~.::_6j~~-~~~~-~-1-l2:_~.:=-~1--~::~~~-----~=:::~:__________ Lot 4 Application TABLED to Shelter Island Hotel C to (1) erect a dble-faced, interior lum, post mounted sign advert new liq store; sign to be 11' x 15'1" with 6 1 x 1 r under, overall ht 37'3" & letters on face of bldg,each 12" x 18" where signs sball be hed to face of ding & max dimension of 25' x 5'; post to encroacb 8' 6" into req 10' pl.lrlft,,1,.cg_ & 10' es tab SB, edge of sign to encro 10' into planting strip & estab SB & pr-~!e11...J..' over public right of way; (2) liquor store to commence business at 6 a.m. c inue unt.m. weekdays and until 2 a.m. weekends; new speedee Mart on same lot commence business a.'E""i"""-~. but continue until 11 p.m. where business hours are itted to be 6 a.m. to 10 on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. betwe Dubois Dr. & Ge ee Ave. in tne RC-lA zone. C-9806 4-10-70 Lot 1- Permit to Atlantic Richfield Co. to maintain a gasoline sales facility at the f!W corner of Cl~i~ont M~~ Blvd._aJ:1!:l~GrfE:_S~ ~~ in,t:he,...,_~N_ZQ~e.:1 4~0-:.E'~.._....3-6-77, ~~_--1- L ~ 1._ 0,_JD.._ ~'t_ %/-__ ~...dl.t-~.w,~:1 . ~.. 1,.-'4-_ j_.\.. '1.-~ &_--------- &L