Clairemont #5 Card 2
CLAIREMONT #5 CARD 2.tif..-~ ',, CLAIREMONT UNIT #5 Card #2. Lot 495- Permit to Clairemont Co., owner & W.D., Louise, M.J. & Gladys M. 0swood, pur to oper rental off in por of lliqdrd: duplex at 4947 Iroquois St,, R-2 to 6-30-56 Res. 8595 11-10-54 Lot 495- 2 yr extto Clairemont Co. & Robert Saas to oper rental office in por of duplex at 4947 Iroquois St., R-2 Rea. 8595 ABOVE C-573 k6-19-56 Amended to permit sign 3-22-57 ext 6-27-58 Lots 679 & 68o-& por- Cliaremont J"'- The.Melissa Corp,-DEl'fIED permission to constr-- two 4 unit apt bldgs or one 8 unit bldg, said bldgs to cross lot lines, Zone R-2, W side of Clairemont Dr. S-1233 6-3-57 Lot 662- Permit to Clairem.ont Cr. to maintain rental office with max. 2 sq ft sign painted on bldg; at 4718 Clackfoot Ave., for 2 yrs., R-2 C-1624 1-31-58 Lots 625- 626- Permit to Clayton E. & Eileen M, Plummer to adj lot line 7' along Natchez, tapering to 0' at rear lot, betw Lots 625 & 626, at Natchez Ave. off Iroquois Ave. R-2 c-2544 6-3-59 ~ftsi9dupl~~tpe~f!s~,{f~Joroot~rfff16~3O:6ft 4947 Iroquois in por. of C-573 7-15-60