Clairemont #5 Card 1
CLAIREMONT #5 CARD 1.tif ooa,~ S CARD #1 Lots 526-528- Permit to Burgener & Tavares to maint exist sing, at end of Huron St., on condition that sign be removed by 2=1=53, Res. 6914 10-15-52 Lot 529-'-Permit to Caliremont Co. to maint res witn 4' SB Wend of Huron st. Res. 7029 12-10-52 Lot 529- Permit to Clairemont Co. t& maint res with 3' sideyd, Wend of Huron St. Res. 7030 12-10-52 Lot 7 (E 150' N)- Eureka Lemon Tr, Permit to Courtney E. & Florence C, Bowman DENIED to split out into three bldg sites adj to Clairemont #5. Res. 7716 9-2-53 Lots 678-680- Permit to Clairemont Co, to use exist duplex for eeal estate & escrow off, for 18 mo, on Lot 678 & use 679-80 for paved prkg, SW side Clairemont Dr. Res. 7821 10-14-53 Lot 875- Permit to Mathew O. Norris to const retain blk wall, 3'4" to 4'7" hi witn 3' cnain link fence on top, in fr of SB line on Dakota, 3377 Cheyenne Res. 7904 11-25-53 Lot 662- Permit to Burgener & Tavares to maint tract rental off in one unit of duplex on lllW cor of Blackfoot & Clairemont Blvd. for 1 yr Res. 8348 7-7-54